Monday, September 25, 2017

Trigger Was A Horse!

Last week, when the fine young scholar in Fort Worth called me a Snowflake on the Twitter, he employed a word that is nails on a chalkboard to me. I had commented on the Emmys and he said something to the effect of, "I can't believe that TRIGGERED you!" Since then, I've seen this word used time and time again on the Twitter. Evidently, Trigger is now a verb. Who knew?

Certainly, I am aware that trigger is not a new word. I hear folks all the time referring to sessions with their Shrinks and the time spent, at $100 an hour, identifying "triggers" and how to avoid them. It makes me want to claw my eyes out! But at least they are using the word as a noun. Evidently, everyone is in serious need of an excuse to justify their bad behavior, and if we can only label them as triggers, it's okay to act like an imbecile.

But in this age of Idiocracy, trigger is now a verb. And any response, to any situation, means that the person responding has been "triggered" and they are definitely wrong, as they are only responding out of HATE!

"Can you believe that triggered him?" "You are a hateful schmuck if that triggered you!" "Of all the things to be triggered by!" "Can't you think of more important topics to be triggered by?"

In fact, the mere suggestion of this entire Post is triggering VOMIT!

CTT has addressed this topic before. However, since I discussed the idea that we are now a society where everything is based on unadulterated outrage, things have only, progressively, gotten worse. We have raised two or three generations that observe everything, I mean EVERYTHING.....Parents, kids, education, jobs, sports, recreation, worship, politics, society, behavior.....We only look at every situation form a standpoint of "Just what am I going to see or experience here that absolutely, positively, unequivocally pisses me off?"

I have flag fatigue. The flag and the National Anthem seems to have triggered the entire Nation! Everyone seems to be on one side or the other on this one! It is just so exhausting!

STOP IT! Deep down, we all know what a trigger is. Trigger was Roy Rogers' horse. And what a fine horse he was!

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