Monday, November 30, 2015

Stealing Blackie Sherrod's Schtick

November has come and gone so quickly that I can hardly recall what happened. I have made mental notes of at least a half dozen topics for this silly little blog. But, candidly, I am just not motivated to address any of them in detail. I do, however, feel the need to get some of this stuff out in the open in order to make room for fresh ideas to pop into my tired little brain.

Famed Sports Writer, Blackie Sherrod used to write a Friday column called "Scattershooting." So, as I sit here with a proper cup of British Tea, I think I will do some Scattershooting, while wondering what ever happened to Fred Biletnikoff.

Does anyone remember when Airline Travel used to be kind of glamorous and high tone? Not anymore. Most travelers look as though they are just coming in from a frat party.

While standing in Lichfield Cathedral, the idea struck me that worshippers sure were obsessed with their worship facilities back in the day. Then it occurred to me that 900 years later, very little has changed.

I dare you to take an escalator very deep under the London City Streets to catch The Tube and not think about some coked up idiot, on the platform, wearing a vest filled with explosives.

I don't think they are frying Fish n Chips in lard anymore. Not quite the same....

Too much football during the Thanksgiving week. I'm thinking of giving up on it until both college and pro football can determine what a Catch is.......

Am I the only one that is disgusted by the fact that we have gotten so lazy that we will actually sit and watch other people play Cards?

It's time they gave Reality TV another name!

Anyone excited about the prospect of another show about Alaska?

The Angel Baby came home to visit as an Engaged woman. Yes, HE was with her. She could have done a lot worse!

I know Big Tuck hates the fact that he is acting more like me every day. On the one hand, I'm proud. Then, I start to pity the poor kid....

Sandy was a good Dog!

Forty-Four years old is WAY too young to die......

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Crossing the Pond

If everything goes according to plan, the Old Man, Big Tuck, and I will be departing DFW this evening aboard American Airlines Flight #50 for London, England. Upon arrival, we will board a bus for the city of Birmingham. We plan on trying it all! Planes, trains, buses, and automobiles.

I can hardly wrap my mind around how this all came about. As you recall, the Angel Baby spent three months studying abroad in London earlier in the year. (I told her I studied a broad or two in College, but it didn't involve international travel). Then, right after school was out, T was asked to join some very dear friends of hers on a Mediterranean Cruise. About that same time, Big Tuck was in the running to go to Kuwait to open a new restaurant.

One morning, while T was on the cruise, I was sitting here considering my woeful existence, and trying to convince myself that when Shoe and I DROVE to Atlanta, for a THREE day weekend, that we would have just as much fun! For some reason, I was failing in that attempt, and seemingly, I was getting the short end of the travel straw!

The Old Man called that morning. He asked if I had a Passport. Right! Rub it in, Pops!

He then went on to explain that the church where we had worked and worshipped in the late 70's was having its 150th Anniversary as a congregation. The Summer Lane Church of Christ in Birmingham, England formed in 1865! Quite an accomplishment to survive 150 years, in my opinion!

Anyway, they were scheduling a Celebration Weekend in November and they had contacted Pops and asked if he and I would come over and speak during their celebration.

So, that's why we are going. And that's why we are leaving this evening. On Saturday night, the Old Man will speak during the Celebration, and I will preach the next day.

Prayerfully, this will go down as a high water mark in my life. Getting to share a pulpit with Pops will be very cool. And getting to take Big Tuck along, and show him where I lived, attended school, and worshipped as a kid is going to be a very special.

In a perfect world, T and the Angel Baby would be joining us. But Jentry got to see these places when she went there for a graduation gift. That's what lead to her moving there for three months.

And T got to see the COLOSSEUM! I don't feel THAT bad!

I will certainly address this trip not long after my return. Maybe, the title will be "Musings of an Internationally Sought After Preacher." Sound humble enough?