Monday, January 13, 2014

Clichés Make It So Easy To Lie!

This is Number 50! I can't believe it. Nor can anyone else who really knows me! This silly little thing was not supposed to go past a couple of months, at the most. All in all, it's been fun. I am constantly making mental notes as to potential topics. Some posts have over-lapped with others.  You have pointed that out in your "comments." But I am very pleased that I have stood firm in my resolve to 1) Not beat you down with my insignificant running exploits. 2) Entertain any of your requests for a topic.

Each week, when I link CTT to my Facebook wall, I am hopeful that it will be for the VERY last time. Alas, that never seems to be the case. Without fail, some thought gets into mind, and I am certain that my TENS of readers need to be educated on the topic!

Which brings me to clichés! The truth is....I could get the next 40-50 weeks of posts out of old, tired clichés. It would be a beating. But, I would have fun. Don't worry! I am going to resist that temptation. You're welcome!

This morning, I am simply going to address two....the most IRRITATING and the most DANGEROUS!

I did not watch the Golden Globes last night. I don't get the Awards Show! I am certain, though of one thing. At some point, one of those MORONS, in accepting their award, said the following: "It's been one h*lluva ride!"

NAILS ON A CHALKBOARD! That simple little saying absolutely makes my skin crawl! I promise you this. When I write my final post to CTT (hopefully very soon), I will not insult you by signing off, "It's been one h*lluva ride!" VOMIT!

WHEW! I feel much better now that I've gotten that off my chest!

Now, to the matter at hand, and the real motivation behind this post. During the Phil Robertson/A&E imbroglio, I heard for the brazillionth time, the most dangerous cliché that people throw around.

I truly cringe and sometimes feel the need to seek shelter from lightning strikes when my fellow Christians are brazen enough to utter, "Love the sinner! Hate the sin!"

A word of caution, be very CAREFUL if you find it necessary to to let this pass through your lips. They KNOW! They REALLY do know! And they really DON'T like being LIED to!

And yes, they have been lied to. It's interesting to note that the Carpenter issued the litmus test in John 13:35, when he said, "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

I mean this is EASY, right. Jesus wasn't talking about loving the sinner. He was talking about His followers loving each other. The good guys! Right? If you, the good guys, will simply love each other, then ALL men will know that you are my disciples! Easy, peasy! Right?

WRONG! Step into almost ANY congregation and see what kind of vibe you get. And before you BLOW up my comments section, be very careful! Because I might just show up next Sunday. And just by walking into the place, I will obviously look for things that are no where mentioned in the Bible, but I will be on a mission to look for evidence that will make me conclude that, "Man, oh man, this bunch sure does love each other!"

Time after time, our places of Worship reflect a general dislike of the preacher, leadership that is disconnected, kids who hate the old folks, senior members that despise the kids, and everyone is mad at the Hispanic members, because they are typically the most active Christians and use the facility every day, but won't pay their fair share of the rent!

In general, we have failed at loving each other. How in the world are we going to convince the Sinner that REALLY love him? It's a VERY tired cliché! And it is so VERY dangerous! They know. Trust me, they know!

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

i am confused are you saying that the disciples all loved each other in a "personal way" that would make duck dynasty guy upset?