The problem with having hundreds of channels available on the TV is that I waste too much time sitting in front of my "golden calf", clicker in hand, just running the channels. Last night was one of those nights. I happened upon TLC's "My 600 LB Life" and I could not hit the remote.
It was just like all the other shows about obesity. I'm not going to go into it. It's the same story! At the end of the day, it's about addiction. And it is VERY sad.
Now, let me get this out of the way. If you are reading this and you are slightly overweight, need to lose a few pounds, just plain fat, or grossly obese....I am NOT going to condemn you. I am NOT going to judge you. I do NOT think your weak-minded. I do NOT think you lack will power! At the same time, I am NOT sure that you're a victim! What I've come to learn in the past few years is that generally speaking, there are FEW victims. Mostly, there are volunteers.
The truth is, we all have issues that we NEED to address. Everybody on the planet has things in their lives that they NEED to change. The question is only this.....Do You Want to?
A few weeks ago, in a Tuesday night Bible study, we came across what, at face value, is the stupidest question Jesus ever asked anyone. In John 5, Jesus happened across a paralyzed dude at the Pool of Bethesda, who evidently had been an invalid for 38 years. Jesus walked right up to this cat and had the nerve to ask him "Do you want to get well?" (John 5:6)
What? Are you kidding me? What an incredibly crass and inappropriate thing to say to a guy that's been crippled for 38 years! Come on Jesus! You should be ashamed of yourself!
I will leave the answer up to the reader. Think about it. Think real hard about what changes would come about in this guy's life if Jesus healed him. Being dependent upon others was the only life he knew. Being carried around, being fed, begging for money. What would healing mean? Getting a job? Feeding himself? Wiping his own butt?
The dude NEEDED healing. The Carpenter asked him if he WANTED healing!
It's not always an easy question. And the answer is not always YES. Many of you know that my best friend drank himself to death back in 2010. It was absolutely the most horrible thing I've ever witnessed. He really NEEDED to sober up. He did NOT WANT to......even a little. He made it very clear to me. Almost verbatim, he said, "Kevin, I've been to those rooms and I can read. The 'rules' state that the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. Kev, I have NO DESIRE to stop drinking!"
I actually respect that. Once he laid it out like that, the pressure was off. He had set the terms. He was aware of the consequences. And he died at 50 years old. I don't love him any less or miss him any less. At least the dude was honest! And he answered the question.
Last night, a recurring theme for this obese woman was whether or not she REALLY wanted to change.
That's the question we all face daily. Do I NEED to? or Do I WANT to? It may be the toughest question we will ever have to answer!
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