Even after espousing the greatness of satellite radio, I found myself back on "free radio" briefly this week. The Musers, of Ticket fame, were coming off vacation and the Cowboys had just lost the day before. Curiosity got the best of me and I thought I would see what was on their mind.
It was during "Gordo's Corner" that the great mind of Gordon Keith expressed an opinion that I have thought about all week. The lads were catching up on the whole A&E/Phil Robertson imbroglio, because they had not been on the air when that news broke. It was almost as though Dunham had read CTT, because he just kept repeating, "Why does anyone care what Phil Robertson has to say about anything?"
Gordon Keith's response was short, concise, and probably the most interesting comment he has ever made. He said:
"Because we are a nation that runs on OUTRAGE!"
Wow! Is he right? Could this be true? In one short statement, did a goofball on Sports Talk Radio sum up the current human condition?
I can only come up with two possible responses. 1) YES! and 2) GUILTY!
I don't have to do a lot of serious reflecting before the reality sets in that OUTRAGE pretty much runs my life! I go about my day just trying to find something to be pissed off about! Sadly, it's starting to hit me just how EXHAUSTING this modus operandi truly is!
Most recently, I have been watching the Global Warming Nuts who are stuck in the ice and it's making me insane! In 2007, the ice was disappearing because of global warming. In 2013, there is too much ice because of global warming! This year, they recorded more ice in the ice caps than they have ever recorded in the history of ever! But the global warming studies indicate that the situation is much worse than they first feared.
What does an aneurysm feel like? Cause I'm pretty sure this kind of stuff makes me feel like I'm having one!
Outrage! About global warming, of all things! Seems kind of insignificant, huh? Especially to those of you who can't sleep at night because our current POTUS can't produce a valid birth certificate!
Let's be clear. I am not a fan of our current POTUS. But if Gordon Keith is right, we've got the perfect guy up there to enable us to continue under this modus operandi!
A few weeks ago, I pointed out on someone else's FB page that a college ID of the POTUS was a fake. I got 100% pure outrage in response. It was something like this:
"He lies to us. Why can't we lie about him? He is trying to kill me by taking away my health insurance! How slowly do you have to kill someone before it is not deemed premeditated murder?"
I saw no need to respond because this person needs much more help than I am capable of offering. I don't really blame the guy, though. I actually love him very dearly. I have come to understand that he's operating on outrage! And since the cliche is true that "if you spot it, you got it," I realize that I'm operating on outrage, too. We are really not that different and have much more in common than I would like to confess to.
The problem is clear. So, is the solution. It was addressed in CTT very early on when I tackled the "wisdom to know the difference." If so inspired, look in the archives. I'm not going to rehash it.
But I am going to do one thing. I am going to try as hard as I can to remember the comment of a goofy sports talk radio host. I am going to continually ask, "Kev, why are you running on outrage?
Because at the end of the day, this running on outrage leaves me running on empty!
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