I will never forget the morning several years ago when a dear friend (in this post and in the future I'll refer to him as Stainless) looked me squarely in the eye and said, "Well Kevin, certainly you must know that the biggest difference between you and God is that god NEVER wakes up in the morning thinking that He's you!"
What did he say? That was the most ridiculous and possibly the most offensive thing I had ever heard in my life. He was normally a fairly reasonable fellow. We had spent hours together encouraging one another and building each other up. Then, out of the blue, this so-called friend accuses me of playing God!
The interesting thing is that Stainless was fully aware that I had done a little debating in my life. Did he really want to mix it up with me? So, I HUMBLY went into a full rebuttal of that assinine statement and in several LOGICAL points proved to him that never in my life had I ever exhibited the audacity to play God!
As a matter of fact, any idiot who knew of my background, education, time in the mission field, participation in church----any fool could plainly see that I had been serving God all my life!
It was only a few weeks later that I heard another friend quote the deceased mother of my good friend, Clark. She said, "I remember when Kerry used to say that she had been serving God all her life----mostly in an ADVISORY capacity!"
BAM! What a kick in the gut! Serving God in an advisory capacity. Was that what Stainless meant? Was he really just trying to point out to me that my main problem is that I try to advise God?
Several years have passed since that realization came to me. And some days are better than others. I fight the tempation to inform God of how He should handle some of you. The good news for you is that He NEVER takes my advice. That is a good thing. Trust me on that. Any God who needs Kevin's advice wouldn't be much of a God, would he?
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