Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Self-Centered? You Have No Idea!

Well, it only took a week! Seven days! One Hundred Sixty-Eight Hours!

One week ago today, I started this blog with the first post of "Why Now?" Oh yes! I blabbered on and on like a mental patient about how I was bored with me, you were bored with me, and I really needed some cheap therapy without having to call a friend and wear him out with my stuff. Remember? I was just gonna do my rant and send it off into cyber-space! No harm, no foul! I don't like people anyway. Why should I care if I offend you?

Then, a strange thing happened! A couple of you sent me private messages on FB that you were enjoying it. Five or Six of you "liked" the link on FB. Once or twice, you've even posted a comment on the FB Timeline. Finally, I made the mistake of looking at the Stats this free blog provides. BIG mistake! I got a view in Germany. Then, Sweden. Australia. Oh yes! Indonesia! I'm done for. It's over! I mean most of you are friends of mine and are comfortable with my neurosis! You know better than to post a differing opinion. You are well aware of the fact that arguing with me is like wrestling with a pig in mud.....after a few minutes you realize the pig is enjoying it!

But what about this poor schmuck in Indonesia who may be just barely hanging on and his daily dose of "Cheaper Than Therapy" has given him the will to go on? It's only been in the last 6 years that I'm daily reminded that the world doesn't revolve around me! Now, this silly blog has resurrected that notion. Self-centered? You have no idea!

Here's what you didn't know. Last Wednesday, I spent the entire day fasting and praying about a certain situation. It's probably a sin to "brag" about that and it would be WRONG to inform you of the situation. But, the idea to start the blog came up during that day. Obviously, God-inspired! Right?

One Hundred Sixty-Eight hours later, I can see that it was just low blood sugar messing with my brain. So, apparently, I need to tap the brakes! Trust me! I'm not out of ideas! I've already jotted down the subject of the next 5 or 6. Someone in Indonesia needs me!

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

I have no doubt seen blogs with far less information and much worse humor. This however is clearly an attempt to address some of the loftier subject matter swirling around in Kevin's head. Ironies are his specialty though and will sooner or later trump everything else and be the theme of every entry. I can attest to all their authenticity and reality. He never writes about fictitious subject matter. That my friends is most interesting.Real life. It is the most bizarre real life is. And Kevin sees it in all of its ironic splendor.