Friday, March 1, 2013

Opinions are Like What?

Back in the early 90's I met a man in Farmers Branch who never gave his opinion. His repsonse to any question seeking his advice was, "Well, it's been my experience....." Bill would only share from his experience. He simply would not give his oinion.

I want so badly to follow Bill's example. And this practicie of sharing only from experience is something I try to keep at the forefront of my thoughts as I interact with folks on a daily basis.

I can't imagine anyone seeking my opionion, anyway. But some of you do! And all it shows is your desperation to finally find someone who will tell you what you want to hear. Isn't that why we seek counsel from a number of people instead of only a trusted one or two? Aren't we really trying to find someone who will finally validate the stupid decision we have already made way before we decided to seek advice? (That's not my opinion.That's my Experience!)

Several years ago, a really good friend decided to do the whole Brady Bunch thing! He was divorced with two kids. She was divorced with four kids. But they knew this "must somehow form a family."

I cannot tell you how many times my phone rang with this guy asking me what he should do. (This was obviously, after they married! He never asked if I thought they should!)

So, I will share what my response typically sounded like:

"Dude! Are you stupid? Are you really asking me that? I am married to and have only been married to one woman. Both of my kids are mine! I have never done the blended family thing. I have never tried to discipline another man's kids! I have NO experience with what you are talking about."

Then I would say, "Have you prayed bout this?" When he would respond that he had not, I would simply hang up on him.

I love this man. But I cannot tolerate any man who will seek my advice when he's not even willing to take his oncerns to his Creator. Good grief!

So today, I only share my opinions when they are REALLY good ones! Ha! Ha! God isn't done with me yet!

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