Well kids, today's post is Number 40! Never in my wildest imagination did I think this little experiment would continue this long. Historically, I've been a decent STARTER and a horrible FINISHER! I don't think Vegas had a "line" as to the longevity of CTT. But I can't imagine the "over/under" being much higher than a dozen. Anyone who is really close to me would have taken the "under" on that!
We've actually covered a lot of topics. I get requests all the time. BTW, I have never taken on any requested topic. My usual response is "Blogger.com is a FREE platform! Knock yourself out!"
I do take pride in the fact that I've avoided topics that are just too easy. For example, I would really like to pontificate about the little bit of jogging I do and how it's made an impact on my life. But, in reality, you could not care any less and would tire of that quickly.
Politics would also be easy. I could be a "tea-party, right wing, extremist" one week. Then, just for giggles, turn into a "tree-hugging, whale-saving, anti-nuke pinko" the next. I really can argue both sides for just about any issue. VOMIT! You would see right through that and recognize it for what it is....just an attempt to be inflammatory and create a stir.
No, I've really tried to stay faithful to my original premise. That is, to write about the crazy things that run around in my head and shoot them out into cyber-space! Some weeks the public response is bigger than others. But I wish you all could read the private messages I get. Many of them sound something like this, "Kevin, I've been thinking the same thing for years. But there's NO WAY I would EVER admit to it on the World Wide Web!"
Which brings me to today's topic. Some of you implied, suggested, discerned or whatever you want to call it......that I was being a little judgmental of the Keynoter last week. Think about that REAL hard! Let me say it again:
Some of you implied, suggested, or discerned that I was passing JUDGEMENT on the Keynoter!
Really? Really?? I was passing judgement? This whole idea of "not judging" and the Bible verses that you throw at me to support your position, lead to some of the most unbelievable, yet entertaining, conversations I ever participate in.
Oh I get it! I really do! You are not judging! You are using discernment! You make it very clear that you would never judge! You sound like an absolute moron trying to support your position. But, you are entertaining!
It kind of looks like this.....In my faith tradition, there seems to be an ever-increasing gap between the "harsh, critical, mean-spirited Conservatives" and the "kind, loving, grace-filled Liberals." I absolutely abhor LABELS. But they are necessary to make the point.
The Conservatives are kind of boring. They know they are judgmental. They kind of relish in it. But the Liberals are delicious to talk to. God love 'em! They turn almost purple with rage. That vein on the temples of their heads looks as though it's bout to burst. They actually spit a little as they LOVINGLY explain, "I am just sick and tired of those hateful, judgmental, legalistic Pharisees! They are destroying the church and they WILL burn in Hell!"
I think that's the problem with becoming enlightened! Becoming enlightened is very seldom based in truth. Therefore, the enlightened ones are never able to come to grips with the fact they have BECOME WHAT THEY HATE!
I had a dude just wear me out one time about being judgmental. There was only one problem. I knew where he lived and I knew where he attended church. I think a conservative estimate would be that he drove right past 15-20 churches in order to get where he attended. He honestly thought he was using discernment as he passed those 15-20 churches on his way to church. I said, "Dude, just pull into the first church building closest to your house. It saves time. It saves money. It's better for the environment. Don't drive so far. And please don't pass by SO many churches to get there. Because even though you are too enlightened to ever see it, when you get to that 20th building, you've just passed judgement 19 times!"
Matthew 7:1 will be all over the Comments Section of this Blog and my Facebook Wall by the end of the day. Just do me a favor and read Verse 2. I'm okay with Verse 2. The only question you need to answer is, "Are you?"
1 comment :
As a strong contender in the race for High Priestess of Self-Awareness, I'm acutely cognizant of being judgmental. First, I noticed you spelled it "judgemental" and my brain thought that was incorrect. I checked, you're wrong, at least in the U.S. in formal writing. Also, I'm a big believer in the power of the MBTI assessment and I'm SUCH an ENTJ/ESTJ. So how is it I know that I'm so freakin' judgmental that I noticed AND pointed out your misspelling, yet I'm still such a fabulous person? Because I still like people even when they're wrong about so many things!!! I also firmly believe in individual liberties and would never try to enact a law to change that (deliberate poke at conservative politicians there). Aren't you lucky to have such an accepting judgmental person as a friend? LOL!
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