I suppose it's time to get back into the dangerous neighborhood that IS my mind! That whole Reunion thing is behind me now. I have no regrets and I won't apologize for the last two submissions in here. Yes, they were kind of sappy and sweet. And I almost showed a level of transparency that would destroy all the work I've put into convincing you of what a self-centered, self-absorbed, narcissistic Cretin that I am!
I actually thought that the Doc Holliday piece might be a great stopping point! It was number 38! I was running out of ideas. I truly don't want this thing to become a deadline. And although, I have TENS of readers, I am concerned that you are seeing my little attempt at therapy as getting a little tired!
But, I don't need to come up with ideas! I'm on Social Media! And you are a flowing fountain of topics! And trust me! That is not always a good thing!
A few weeks ago, someone who is now a FORMER Facebook friend posted as a status update, "I want to apologize for not keeping up in here recently. I've been preparing for a conference. Keynoting is SO HARD!"
Let me tell you what's hard! Cleaning vomit from the screen of a laptop computer and from between the keys on a keyboard!
Are you serious? Are you kidding me? Please tell me that this was schtick! Please tell me that this post was an attempt at shock value! Please provide me with crackers and 7-Up to calm my stomach! Keynoting is HARD? Keynoting? Is that even a word?
Calling all Keynoters! HUSH! HUSH! Just HUSH! Your search for significance and continued need for affirmation is smothering the rest of us! And it's destroying our laptop computers!
Whew! I feel better now! And for those you that are about to scream "Hypocrite!" at me, you can HUSH, too!
I am fully aware that my Nike+ App posts every run I do to my Facebook status. And I am also aware that I make snarky comments about a "little 9 miler" or short "7 mile effort." I do that mostly to annoy my daughter! But I do it to annoy you too! It's schtick! I think it's funny. It's for shock value. It's to get a response. It's all a part of my ongoing social experiment on Facebook and on this Blog.
I will not share the number of speaking engagements I've had just since September 1st. The most recent one was yesterday. They aren't HARD! They are a privilege! They aren't difficult! They are humbling!
I belong to a fellowship that stresses the importance of SERVICE to others. The motto is, we do it "For Fun and For Free!"
Calling all Keynoters! Just try it once! Do it "for fun and for free!" Don't do it for the accolades. And don't do it in order to share it on Facebook and make us all vomit!
1 comment :
Sounds like a name a womens barbershop group would come up with... the Keynoters.
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