Due to public outrage....okay....actually only one or two of you have really busted my chops, I am composing this short update and will link it to Facebook when I RE-activate my account.
I deactivated my Facebook account about ten days ago and explained why in my last blog post in here. The problem is, my adoring fans will only read my blog if they can click on the link on my timeline. Your admiration obviously has its limits. Consequently, I am being hammered as to my disappearance in public, in emails, and texts. But only a handful have actually typed in the blog address and looked for updates. At least, I know who my REAL friends are!
Here's the bottom line with social media.....Do you remember when we were kids and some old, wise sage would remind us that, "It's better to look stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt?"
In my humble opinion, Facebook and Twitter fly in direct opposition to that proverb. Come on people! I pour my guts out in here and bare my soul in terms of my intolerance and the attitude that I'm surrounded by idiots. Then, I open my Facebook page early in the morning, with a fresh cup of coffee and you do nothing but build my case stronger! If it were not so SAD, it would be HILARIOUS.
Then, all I can hear is Shoe's comments ringing in my ears. He says, "Kev, I don't do Facebook. Number 1, it's a tool of Satan. And number 2, I'm a grown-a** man!" Could Shoe be right?
So, without arguing all the pros and cons of Facebook, I would like to offer ONE piece of advice: PLEASE USE YOUR HEAD FOR SOMETHING BESIDES A HAT RACK BEFORE YOU CLICK "SHARE!"
Just because there is a picture of Abe Lincoln there and he's credited with the quote, he PROBABLY did not say ANYTHING about the Internet!
Trust me on this! Abe Lincoln, Albert Einstein, and Adolph Hitler never uttered 5% of the things they are credited with in social media. If you are a little weak in History, and evidently you are, please do a little research before you share something that makes you look like a blithering idiot. What's the worst that could happen? You might just learn something!
I have no problem with the hypocrisy I am exhibiting by once again rejoining Facebook. And, at the end of the day, Facebook allows me to keep up with my kids and my family. Although, my Old Man and I are still too proud for either of us to friend request the other.
So, I will be back by morning, if not, late tonight. Last night was the first night I really missed Facebook. I learned of the death of Kidd Kraddick and really wanted to log in to Facebook to see what everyone was saying. RIP Kidd!
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