Monday, July 1, 2013

Colonel Jessup Was Right!

There is no doubt in my mind that writing a post today is a bad idea. I am ill and have an appointment with the Doc in a couple hours. I did not sleep well this weekend and I am restless, irritable, and discontent. No, I'm not. I'm just plain angry! What's new? Right?

This post, however, has been simmering for some time. I had actually planned to continue with the Golden Calf theme for a few weeks. The idolatry idea hit a nerve with many of you and the responses were very interesting, to say the least. My reading this past week has confirmed something that I've been thinking about for long time.

I'm half way through the second book I received on Tuesday concerning Jesus. Bear with me, you Agnostic types! There is no need for you to roll your eyes and abort the page! These two books are affirming and confirming something that Stainless and I have talked about on numerous occasions.

Colonel Jessup was right! In A Few Good Men, when the Nicholson character screamed as only Nicholson can, "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!", he summed up the human dilemma in its entirety.

The life of Jesus confirmed this truth 2,000 years ago. Like Him or not, believe Him or not, relationship with Him or does not have to read very much about this guy to understand that He dedicated his entire life to trying to shine light in a very dark place and all it got Him was MURDERED!

I tried it a couple of times this past week. I just tried to shine some light. I didn't get murdered, but I believe that's what was on their hearts.

Guess what? I Do Not Care! And I'm more and more convinced that the "way you say it", or the "tone" of your voice, or as the Christians say "speak the truth in Love" has absolutely NOTHING to do with it!

Evidently, I can't handle the truth. Certainly, you can't handle the truth, either. And we are going to give it every kind of label under the Sun to dismiss it. Harsh, judgemental, intolerant, PHOBIC. Please tell me just WHEN on God's green earth did the REALITY arise that whenever I see something that is unacceptable to me, that I have some kind of PHOBIA about it?

I find the wearing of pants below one's butt cheeks, exposing their boxer-covered ass to the world totally and completely unacceptable. However, I am not "Pants Below Butt Cheeks, Exposing Ass---PHOBIC!"

I already know that I lose this argument. We discussed a few weeks ago, that we now live in a world where Truth is created. I've offended entire groups of people, in a public meeting environment, on a couple of occasions this year. On both occasions, I was ASKED to speak. Unfortunately, on those occasions, I made the mistake of trying to shine a little light into a dark place.

So, eventually, the only person reading this Blog will be me. As I recall, I started this Blog for me, anyway. If you are not prepared for the answer, Please Do Not Ask the Question!

And, if you want to be popular, accepted, and loved by all, for crying out loud, please do not shine any light! You may just get a butt-whipping you are not prepared to take!

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