As I sit and write my 20th entry into this little social experiment, I am anxious as to whether or not I'm beginning to be repetitively redundant. I certainly am not going to go back an read the prior 19 entries. So, I'm in a position where I'm just going to write what's swimming around in my twisted mind.
As far back as I can remember in my life, the biggest problem I've had to endure is that seemingly, I have ALWAYS been surrounded by idiots. I don't know if you can relate, or not. I mean IDIOTS! I find it almost impossible to describe.
In grade school, in high school, in college, in church, on the job....I'm talking about the real deal here. I mean IDIOTS! I've asked the question time and time again. Stainless and Shoe no longer pretend to even provide an answer. I implore them, with all the sincerity I can muster, "Why are things so APPARENT to me, that are LOST on everyone else in my life?"
Some readers of this post will identify with me completely. A second group will surmise, "What a pathetic, sad life you lead, Kevin!" There is no doubt in my mind that the second group's conclusion is the most accurate.
I've already addressed the under-lying issues that plague me in this regard. Self-centeredness, egomania, fear. These three defects wrap themselves around an incredible inferiority complex and the result is just one hot mess.....minus the hot! Triple the mess!
Consequently, I DON'T DO YOU very well. The person in front of me with 11 items in the "10 Item Express Lane", the person in the car in front of me, the customer of my little company, the leader in my church, the preacher on the radio......and sadly the closest friend in my life, and the loved ones living under my roof.... I find it difficult to tolerate you.....whoever you are! It's really not that funny. It really is that sad!
One of the spiritual advisers from my past that I have yet to mention is man I'll simply call Lucky. Lucky used to end every conversation with the declaration, "Kevin, you are a beautiful child of God." It made me so tense and uncomfortable! I simply did not want to believe it. But, on the days that I do believe it, I have to believe it about EVERY person that I mentioned above.
The life principle of "Live and Let Live" is for me, the single most difficult principle I have to employ on a daily basis. I am much more fluent in the problem than I am the solution. Deep down in my soul, I am fully aware that after I've run into the 3rd or 4th idiot in my day, it might just be that I need to look in the mirror. I need to find the common denominator between me and all these idiots.
The answer is crystal clear.
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