I've never really understood the whole Road Rage thing. I'm not saying that I don't occasionally get the ever-living cr*p scared out of me and react in a negative way. But for the most part, I just go along with the flow of traffic without the need to control the road and think that I'm the only one out there that has some place he really needs to be. Shoe is the same way. He picks his lane and stays in it. He's one of about three people I know that I'm not afraid to be a passenger in his car.
I am a little troubled by those of you who do just the opposite. And it's not that you just think you are the most important people on the road. What bugs me is that you BRAG about it! You see this complete lack of consideration for anyone else as a positive character attribute and you wear it like a Badge!
In a men's accountability group, I made the casual remark one time that "They can't cut you off, if you wave them on over." A truck driver in the group turned purple and looked as though he wanted to choke me to death!
CONSIDERATE. What does it mean? What does it look like? When did it go away? Will it ever come back?
I'm not even going to attempt to answer these questions. My guess is that the whole concept of being considerate, if it EVER did exist, is long gone and will never be recovered! CONSIDERATE.
I just don't know of a single example of consideration that I can even offer as a point of reference. I've hung around Christians most of my life. I'm trying to think of just one good example from among them. No! It's not gonna happen. In fact, in general, they continue to be some of the MOST inconsiderate people I know. Christians should be taking the lead. Not so much!
In my faith tradition, we are still very much into labels! We want to know if that bunch on the corner is a liberal church or a conservative church? We MUST know! And every congregation MUST take on a label! Now that I'm getting older, I am less and less interested in labels. I just want to know if that bunch on the corner is a considerate church?
In case you are wondering, chances are that they are NOT! It usually looks like this: At some point in their past, they have made some SIGNIFICANT change. I'm not talking about paint color. I'm talking about a major doctrinal change! They act as though they prayed about it. They act as though their theology justifies it. But when they announced their prayerful decision, they said something along these lines: "This is what we have decided to do. Some of you are not going to like it and you are most likely going to leave. Please do not let the door hit you on the back-side on your way out." Are you KIDDING me? God told you to make an announcement without any consideration for others? God told you to run people off and split a church right down the middle? God actually instructed you to be inconsiderate?
INCONSIDERATE! Now, take that same situation and apply it to EVERY situation on the GLOBE! The living room, the bedroom, the classroom, the work place, the PTA, the booster club, the highways, the City Hall, the State Capitol, the halls of Congress, the White House, the Middle East, Moscow, North Korea.......I simply don't care what you put in the blank. Humanity's blatant refusal to be considerate of others is the undoing of our society.
With a complete LACK of consideration for others, from the bedroom to the boardroom, millions of DECISIONS are made EVERY day that keep all of us slipping down the mudslide to Hell!
Being considerate is easier to talk about than it is to practice. Trust me, I know. I'm the one who spoke of being surrounded by idiots just seven days ago.
But, let's just try to take baby steps. Let's try to at least stop bragging about this obvious character flaw. Let's stop being proud of rude, inconsiderate behavior. Let's just see what positive things might arise if we just wave them on over?
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