Yesterday was my FIFTIETH day in a row to meditate. was 51! The money I could have made if I had laid a wagering line on that streak!
The stats indicate that you are bored with this topic and very few of you are reading and keeping up. I totally understand that. However, your lack of interest forces me to remember that this exercise was supposed to be all about me, anyway, and hopefully, I could find some peace by simply getting these thoughts out of my head and launching them into cyber-space.
It's been suggested by at least one of you that I'm not "a meditative, mindful kind of guy" and that this fad will soon pass and I will get back to being the curmudgeon that I so relish in portraying. I'm not sure I can argue with that. There probably should be an "odds line" put on that notion.
But I will say this....I, I know I have NEVER done something so potentially positive for 51 consecutive days in my entire life! For those of you thinking that I'm exaggerating because I'm a "man of prayer," the contention remains true.
Now, here's the rub: I am really bad at it. At least I think I am. My little monk keeps reiterating that it's okay to find theses exercises difficult. But I just keep thinking that this Cat has no idea what a dangerous neighborhood I'm in when I'm in my head! Bless his heart! Everyday, though, he continues to provide a positive, encouraging word that is seemingly beneficial, even though I struggle to process exactly what is going on here. At age 50, however, I am experiencing a few things for the very first time:
1) REST---Not sleep. Rest for my tired head! At the conclusion of each session, I feel as though I have given my busy, racing, churning brain a rest. It's just like a cool drink of water. Refreshing.
2) PRESENT---For 15 minutes each morning, I am present. At least as much as I can be. Of course my mind wanders. But, I am getting such a pay-off for simply trying to be right HERE, right NOW, for a few minutes each day. If only for 15 minutes, I am attempting to avoid the wreckage of the future. Relief.
3) MINDFUL---I hate this new catch-phrase as much as you do. I actually find it annoying. But mindful is the only word I can come up with. This has especially been true as I am in the middle of the series on Relationships. Wow! I'm spending time being mindful of the ones I love, the ones I'm indifferent to (weird...have no idea why he added that element), and you guessed it, the ones I truly do NOT care for.....the ANNOYING ones....99% of you! Respect.
I am not going to try and educate you as to what is happening here. As stated earlier, I'm not sure I know. It is no different than the running. There is no way I can describe what "hitting the wall" at Mile 20 feels like. You have to experience it for yourself. Less than 1% of the population of the globe will ever experience it. My guess is that the same is true for meditation and mindfulness. I can promise you this, though. It's not for those who need it. YOU ALL NEED IT! It is only for those who want it.
Today, I want it.
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