Tucker (my son) decidedly advised against it. He said that going with this topic was just too easy.....kind of implying that it would be a cop-out. He's probably right. It is too easy! And truthfully, the whole subject bores me to tears. I really could NOT care any less! But since 99.9% of the inhabitants of this Planet are unable to see that which is SO CRYSTAL CLEAR to me, I am forced to say some of the same things I've already expressed in here in the past.
1) Truth is no longer discovered! We now live in a time when Truth is created. Under this paradigm, Phil Robertson's attempts to share the Truth will ALWAYS be met with belligerent denial!
2) Although it should be, The Bible is not regarded as the moral standard! As a matter of fact, the Bible is seldom read, much less understood. If the Bible was truly read and believed, THREE of the largest Religious Groups (each boasting memberships of nearly a billion) on the globe would NOT exist! Yes I said it. Most of you are going "Islam, Hinduism.....Oh No He Didn't!" Oh YES I did.
3) Christians continue to look foolish, if not down right stupid, when they act SO SHOCKED that pagans refuse to act like Christians! Stop it! You are embarrassing yourself! Even on one simple example, I just want to take them and shake them and SCREAM, "Really? Really? You are really shocked that atheists want to take down the 10 Ten Commandments from public buildings? They are ATHEISTS!!!! Why do you EXPECT them to believe and behave like Christians??????"
Stainless has said for years that "Mankind is perfectly capable of setting REALITY (or TRUTH) aside in order to meet a personal need." Consequently, the Duck Commander can quote all the scripture he wants. It is not going to make a bit of difference to those who are going to do exactly what they want to do, anyway. They have CREATED their own truth!
I did receive a private message from someone to whom I've given a moniker, but will remain nameless. This person's response to this controversy was "Who gives a S###?"
That response is the only good one. I know I don't! Phil Robertson exercised his freedom to express exactly how he felt and he backed it up with scripture. A&E exercised it's freedom to suspend the dude and they backed it up with their corporate policy.
If you are shocked and surprised by that, all I can say is "Bless your hearts!" You are in need of much more help than I am able to give in this stupid little blog!
Sorry Tuck! You were RIGHT!
1 comment :
As one of your friends who believes a different truth, you know what I think about this: Really? Phil isn't the one I listen to. Uncle Si is the only one worth hearing. :)
Merry Christmas!
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