Monday, April 22, 2013

Where Have You Gone, Joe DiMaggio?

Hopefully, people who read this Blog have taken the time to go back and read the very first post. I mean....seriously...this whole thing was supposed to be a joke, right? On a whim one day, I decided to put my self-important, self-centered rants on the world wide web and see if I could get a few laughs and maybe challenge folks to think a little. No harm, no foul! Ha! Ha! Let's click on the link and see what that egomaniac, with the inferiority complex, is babbling about today!

Then, last Monday the unimaginable happened in Boston. A few days later, part of a small town in Texas is blown off the map! Whatcha got to say now, smart guy?

The truth is, I've got NOTHING! There are no words! I've been in an event with 25,000 fellow runners. I've crossed the finish line with my wife and daughter standing behind the "safety" barricades cheering me on. I've stopped in West, Texas for kolaches, just as everyone else I know who's ever driven down I35. My response to these tragedies has mostly been silence, and the SILENCE is DEAFENING!

So, when I started the last paragraph with "the truth is....", it makes me ponder, what is TRUTH?

I am NOT smart enough to philosophically discuss truth. I AM smart enough to Biblically define it, but I'm not going to in this forum. However, I will spout off a strong "opinion" and if you don't like it, you can start your own Blog!

I am SICK and TIRED of people saying to me, "Well, Kevin, that may be true for you. But it's just not true for me!"

Really? I get to VOTE on what's true? Trust me. I want a vote. But even I am not so arrogant as to think I actually get one!

It seems to me that in decades, if not centuries past, that truth was DISCOVERED. Now, we are witnessing a time in history where truth is CREATED. And in this creation of truth, the slide into the Abyss is nothing short of mind numbing!

Millions upon millions expect inhabitants of this planet to adhere to a moral law, while denying the existence of that law's Creator. Imagine that! An atheist denies a Creator, firmly denies the existence of an absolute moral truth, then actually has the gall to get pissed off if someone cuts him off in traffic. C'mon, dude!

Creation of one's own truth is the single most dangerous plague on this planet today! If you don't think so, just watch the news. The truth is that dude in North Korea is practicing his OWN truth! The truth is those boys in Boston (most of the media still have not called them terrorists) were practicing their OWN truth. And yes, the truth is Adolph Hitler practiced his OWN truth. Offensive? Yes! Inflammatory? Oh yes! But in the absence of an absolute moral truth, how can we deny these guys their vote and their right to practice their OWN truth?

"Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you!" I'm not real sure that even Joltin' Joe could pull us out of this deadly business of creating our own separate and individual truths. I'm fairly certain I know Who can! Maybe we'll talk about Him one day!


Joe Wojno said...

Relativism is destroying our society. Former boundaries that existed to protect social decorum are gone, erased by selfishness, the core of relativism. You hit the nail in the head, brother..

Musings of a middle aged college student said...

I'm right there with you Kevin. I have been singing that exact same tune in the educational environment where I now reside. I am generally addressing topics such as abortion and gay marriage when I do and as I'm sure you can guess, my views are not always very popular. Whenever someone tries to convince me that the majority dictates the truth, I typically respond with something to the effect of, "Even when the truth is inconvenient for everyone, it's still the truth."

Unknown said...

Don't hold back, Baby, tell us how you REALLY feel....

Unknown said...

Amen, Brother!!